Love Poem: Life Is Like That Extent Live That Moto Full Extent -

Life Is Like That Extent Live That Moto Full Extent -

Life is like that extent 
     Live that moment 
                   to full extent 
Life’s creation beautiful
Living should be careful
Life’s feature is wonderful
Moving should be  watchful 
Live lively and Lovely
Make it heavenly 
Better to unravel 
To make novel 

Life is  an aim 
That yields in fame 
There may be pains
But results in gains 
There is a scope of hope
One need to cope 
With the situations  

Life is  full of trustworthy 
Life is  nicely entrusted with relationship
Life is bounded by obligatory 
Life is rebounded by emotional 
Life is ruled by disciplinary 
Life is enrolled  by customary 

Life is governed by 
Wiser ones, who  lead 
Life is also ruled by 
Miser ones , who deals 
Life is with Winnings 
Because Winners read 
Life is with losings 
Because Losers weed 
It’s  the challenge
Not the revenge 
Filled with Ups and downs 
And Ups and downs 
In Ups and downs  
With brevity and Longevity

Life is of difficulty 
Live in tranquility 
Sometimes guilty 
Don’t feel faulty 
It’s with hurdles 
Don’t feel hassles 
Life is the  gift
Live without rift 
Life is to live 
Not to leave 
Life is to love 
Not to rove 

Life seems to be fate, indeed! 
But do the best to succeed
May be sometimes low 
But all the times we grow  
Life is understood as a problem 
Though it gives us a solution 
It’s not a mysterious emblem 
It’s to be known in resolution 
It needs to be learnt while living 
It has to be lead with all loving. 
It’s filled with adjustments 
To be dealt with smartness 
One needs to have Adaptability Sometimes to have  adoptability. 
It has to  be dealt  with capability 
It has to be led with arability 
To move with all ability 

Life moves all along with time 
Full of seasons time to time 
Be seasonal and dynamic 
Sunny , chilly , rainy hours ,
Water falls , leafs falls -all ours  Flit by, joyfully , gratefully
As they fly , move cheerfully
To change to become rhythmic
In the situations of different kind 
Expected or unexpected graceful or disrespected Happiness or sorriness 
Wished or unwanted sorrowness 
Whatever steps in Let us win 

Lifetime is unpredictable 
Achieve that is expectable 
Time that goes back 
Will never come back 
Utilize it to the optimum 
To learn , earn and yearn 
And achieve the best you can 
You have enough will to win 
Life has given you locus 
Listen to it to be in focus 
There is a purpose of birth 
Attain it without any wrath 
Why do you fear to bear 
Courage quells despair 
Never ever escape  
There is a landscape 
In front of you to cope 
To grab the total scope 

Life is to achieve your aspiration 
Why struggle for respiration 
When Unwanted is eliminated  
In exhalation 
And when the desired life is given in  inhalation 

Why the fear of fail ?
There is no hell to fall 
Why the feel of  hale ?
Here is not heaven to fill 
It’s only situational -not ill 
Life itself is full of inspiration
Respire to aspire for acquisition 
Inspire by attaining your position 

No matter you are  in respite 
No matter you are desperate 
No matter someone laughs 
No matter elsewhere coughs 
But there exists matter 
Where  alertness  wakes you up 
When awareness takes you up 
Where  you move to grow up 
While  you prove uniqueness 

In the living of life 
One likes
-don't  feel 
Another loves
-don't express
-One develops  
-Another lives in declination 
One possesses 
living art 
Another is possessive 
at heart 

Yours is affection 
Someone's is defection 
It’s the nature of 
The Nature. 

The goodness is outside 
And as a backup 
The badness is Inside 
It’s the feature 
of the creature 

When the goodness 
is in front outright 
Badness is ready to 
stab from back sight 

As usual 20% 
overshadowed the 80% 

Take out badness 
Goodness is in fullness 
Not to kill the skill 
But to to be skillful 

When there are achievements
They become milestones
People praise
You raise 
And when there are fails 
They pose 
You repose 
Cross & convert as smile-stones
In both situations -be silent 
It makes you resilient 
Remember always 
Life is static 
Living is dynamic 
Accept as it is 
Live the Life artistically 
Make & shape heartfully 
Live the life from “within “
Come out from with “in” 
Life is short in comparison 
Living in life  is provision 
Hasten your activity 
                       with fervor
That relieves you really 
                       from disfavor 
Fasten your practice 
                       with livelier
Lively life becomes 
                       more lovelier  
Listen to inner self                                     
                       right here 
Believe me you will 
                       never fear 
Don’t expect the taker 
Turns as giver
Very rare are  reliable
Surrounded by liable
Know and experience
The fact of the act 
Decide to really react 
Recharge to take charge 
And rely on self reliance 
Don’t waste energies in alliance 
Let us make it sure 
To ensure 
To insure 
The recent 
The present 
The future 
And assure 
The living lovely life 
As an individual and the society

Life is like that extent 
Live that moment 
           to full extent -
It’s Virinchi’s wish 
It’s Praguna’s will 
It’s Hithaoishi ‘s willful wish