Life Is So Precious, So Hard To Keep
Life is so precious, so hard to keep.
Daddy died, a baby were discovered.
Secretly growing in my young daughters body.
A mixture of all cultures, all races but my first chance at a legacy.
The clashes in the mixture were brutal.
The blows were deep.
The killing words, the verbal harassments, the evil projected onto white faces.
A beautiful child, chubby cheeks, vibrant smile, loving nature searching to be accepted by those she loved. Asking little with so much to offer.
Oh how I love that child.
I want to protect her.
I want her to be safe.
I want her to know that someone loves her unconditionally.
But it is not about me..
She is now an adult...
I have no right to her business...
I can not save her life.
Whether this love can be transmitted over thousands of miles is the question.
Whether she feels this love...and the love of God that can pull her through.
My beautiful child.
Please find that strength.
Please recognize the beautiful person you are.
Please live.