Life Without Her
As tears flow down our faces in sad streams
Our minds drift away to bittersweet dreams
With heads held high, we push out bad thoughts
We all just make sure that we love her lots
Life without her is a hard story for us to tell
But we know that she wants us all to do so well
The looks of grief in this room are so very sad
Oh how I wish that things were not this darn bad
But what I want can not change how things are now
I'm trying to accept this, though I don't know how
Although it was her time and now it is done
I hope we can all remember the good times and fun
No words can express the extreme sadness I feel
Know that my pain, my tears and fears are for real
I know I will miss her every single day the same
And I am very proud to carry on her beautiful name
And with these beloved thoughts our wounds will heal
Deep inside my heart her everlasting love I'll seal
For my Granny - Erma Willene Newell
November 14,1924 to January 09,2005
I love you