Life's Choices: Love and War
Love can be a kindling or cool water for war,
it can douse a tinder, or fuel an uproar;
freedom to express is such that one’s voice
ennobles or offends, there’s always a choice.
War gestates in a greedy bosom’s core,
nourished till obese, always wanting more,
tumor of hate, festers like a sore,
corpses in its wake, avaricious carnivore.
Love is the compassionate sailboat’s oar,
fathoms with wisdom the sea's dungeoned floor,
guides the heart toward unprejudiced shore,
then renders decision, with fair, reasoned score.
Too many lives lost for love of country before
going home in a carriage, with medals of courage,
yet too young for marriage, justice’s miscarriage!
Love can be a kindling or cool water for war.
11 February 2016