Life's Hugs
Of all the moments
that life has to offer,
none is shorter or more special
than those moments when people hug.
Some hugs are quite memorable,
Some are fast between family and friends.
Other hugs are so special that time stands still
and life becomes calm and tranquil.
It's those defining hugs
that we may wait months, even years for,
that we live life to the fullest in
and that I pray to experience over and over.
God knows I've waited for forever
between many of these moments,
written about them, cried after them
and thanked a very few for them.
All of my life's hugs
have shown me the love we hold,
have kept my heart from turning old
and made more adventurous and bold.
So much life is contained in a hug,
why don't we give them more often
I, for one, will try to share myself in this way
so I can enjoy more of life's special moments.