Lift Your Voice!
1 Lift your voices to the Lord!
whose love suffices, constant, and faithful
2 Let the people who mourn say:
God's love suffices and in him my heart will forever lay
3 Let the house of the faithful say:
God's love is constant in him arms I shall forever stay
4 Let the all the people of the Lord say:
God's love is faithful and nourishes everyday
5 In the midst of danger's light
the Lord my strength, He saves me and together we fight
6 I keep my faith in Him and His spirit is within me
He is my savior; He sets me free
7 I am away from temptations and harm for He's my guide
He is my Abba in whom I shall abide
8 My heart rests in His arms, His heartbeat is my lullaby
and my sanctuary whom I'll never say goodbye
9 My heart rests in Him to whom my soul embarks
I trust in Him better than any powerful monarchs
10 Hear Oh Hear! It is His name they're calling!
He who catches us from evil that keeps us from falling
11 We lift our souls and voices!
and we sing our praises
12 Hallelujah! We thank You!
and we will be your people until the ends of time.