Like, Like, How Could She?
Like, this one time, in band camp
I asked this girl out and she like,
Said no, and I like
Like totally liked her, and like
I almost loved her and she said like,
Like, like no,
Like how could she?
I was so hurt, like, seriously
Not like, broke a nail hurt, like really,
Really hurt, you know?
Like it wasn't even in my head you know?
Well, it was, but it was like, deeper than that
It was right in my chest, like right by my heart
Every time it beat, it like, hurt
And it like, didn't stop
Not for anything,
Like not even when I went to sleep,
It like, just hurt, and hurting
And like, like never stopped
It hurt like, so bad
It was like the worst feeling I ever felt,
Like in my entire life,
How could she say no like that?
Like really?
I like, lost her
Totally lost her
But I like never had her to begin with,
Still it hurt, because I like almost loved her
And it felt like she was mine, but she wasn't
And like, now she'll never be.
This is like, sooo depression,
How can I march in a time like this?
I just totally feel deprived of happiness and meaning,
I could die, I could totally die right now
Like I'm not even kidding, I could stop living
Right now, just die,
I could go to that cabin and get on the roof
Then like get onto that higher roof on the cabin next to it
And then like, totally jump off and die
Just die like a frog under a tire you know?
"Not a lesbian" she says, well whatever
I can't believe this, this is so sad
You know, this is so bad, you know what I'm going to do?
You know what I'm going to do?
I'll like, tell you
I'm going to go eat some cheese,