Love Poem: Like a Mick Jagger
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Written by: A Yorkshire Poet

Like a Mick Jagger

I got a problem, it’s with my son.
He seems so different, the odd one.

It’s not unusual with lads his age.
They’re going through so many emotions at that phase.

Nah this is different, he’s acting strange.
It’s like he’s playing a different game. It’s like he’s playing in a different field. It’s like he’s pushing to be someone!  It’s like he’s living under a different sun!

Don’t get so worked up, so what he’s not just like anyone! 

He’s walking like he’s found a new craze! He’s talking like he has age! He’s dancing and singing songs. It’s makes me uneasy to see this strange wildness in my son! 

Look so he’s different, perhaps not what you want to see. He’s different not like you and me! But perhaps he’s just a Mick Jagger and he knows his mind. Perhaps his difference doesn’t matter through his eyes. Perhaps his difference is what makes him strong. It’s only for you to make him feel like he belongs.

Like Mick Jagger! Yeah perhaps that’s true! Perhaps it’s natural that he’s not like me or you! Perhaps he needs to sing his songs. Perhaps I need to ensure that he belongs.

There’s nothing about his songs, there’s nothing about what he wants. There’s nothing here that says he doesn’t love you.
Perhaps you’ve just got to alter your field of view?