Like It Was Our Last
Even when we grow old
hair the color of tombstones
and bones that sound like
wet windshield wipers as
we slow dance across the living room
i will still make love to you.
Like it is our last night on this
when our love fills the air like
blunt smoke from the joints
we rolled our first night
And that night we didn't just
make love, we made life.
life wasn't too much worth living
until i peered into the the eyes
of my first born child
and i thought wow.
i will add this to the list of
things in this world i find
most beautiful:
my mother's smile, the eyes of our
child, you on our wedding night.
and that night was glorious
so we danced... like it was our last
lasting as long as the music before
it dies but our love never will.
so when we grow old, hair the
color of tombstones, bones
that sound like wet windshield
wipers whenever we slow dance
across the living room, i will
still love you like it is our
last night on this earth and
when our millions of children
roam the earth, when the dust from
our bones are gone
and our names forgotten,
Ill be glad knowing it was our last.