Love Poem: Like Purple a Woman of Color Virtue-

Like Purple a Woman of Color Virtue-

"Like purple a woman of color  you are how 
beautiful are thy feet
 so warm soft tinting sweet
 I wash your foot as I  look the joints of I thighs
 are like jewels diamonds solo players radiate
 you are an abundance
 I worship the Creator for He made the ground that you walk on
 like purple a woman of color virtue
 small is the navel that caresses the outer side of your inner part
 I like a peanut a nugget it rests there there's a better steinman glistens and flares
 your belly is like amount of clay unfinished ready to be shaking it houses
 within the voice of God in your fertile days children
 you're too breasts starting wholesome rounded as grapefruits 
grateful of mine for you are complete in your  from absolute
 your neck it's like a tower of ivory 
your eyes sparkle and glaze they show
 they are the windows of your innermost self you're so looks on
 it's not a dazed and upon your head is your hair fluffy course radiant flows it's blackened more than wool how fair and how pleasant aren't I oh love for you are the light light purple a woman of color virtue your dark your brown your brown you are in all my beloved I rose up to my beloved and my hands dropped with murder and my fingers sweet smelling murder I open up to my beloved and my belovedrawn himself that I could not find her it's like a watchman and went about the city I could not find her I charged you the world old daughters of Jerusalem my beloved is missing and I am here like a purple a woman of color virtue I am my beloved I am my beloved that are beautiful all my love white sweet got it together like grasses on the ground I will go up to the palm tree the clusters of the line and the smell of my nose like apples made into wine from the south every so absolutely your pageantry your coloring the skin black brown beige
 purple woman of color virtue "

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2022