Love Poem: Limiting Liturgies
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Limiting Liturgies

If dawn invites grace-filling abundance,
what dual horizon limits sunset?

Awake each morning
with or without alarm.
What promise waits
to unfold this liturgical dance
across our day's embracing stage?

Thought of sunset,
even this next one.
Too soon arrived?
Or will dark never arrive
to say goodnight?
aloha dawn and sunset
framing today's fancy form-exhausting dance.

Which background music
does creolizing jazz suggest today?
To glance our best step shine
and slide together.

What songs we sing
with smiles and frowns.
What arias we start 
with full-heart passion,

Today feels like
We Shall Overcome Ourselves
rhythm and gospel blues once again
to rediscover sunset
fading toward nightmares
to recomemorate
yet also dreams of dawns
filling perfect light
erasing  each dark corner climate
while tempered shining full-octaved from within
as without,
breath in and out,
dancing dawns to evensong
sung sunsets.

Will we sing this day's sun down
at least as full-creole voiced
as yesterday and night?
Across this Earth
where sun is always setting
and this new day
wakes full-voiced dawning.