Line of Love
For long distance there's a plan
To reach the world around,
But to where I need to reach,
A line cannot be found.
Long distance is good to have,
But it doesn't meet my need.
Technology falls short,
Cannot fulfill my plead.
If Heaven I could call,
I'd call Heaven every day.
Maybe then my heart would
Not hurt so much this way.
All service providers' stocks
Would soar off the chart,
If we could talk to Heaven,
Connect with those in our heart.
Heaven's line would be flooded
From use, red hot all the time.
What profits could be made
With a charge of just a dime!
But just like other services,
I'm sure there would be greed,
Capitalising on the hearts
Who'd want to fill this need.
Long distance to Heaven
Would be beyond great
And would be the 'Line Of Love'
Straight to Heaven's Gate!
Written by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2016-05-09 16:34:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.