Love Poem: Lips Soft As Rose's Fragrant Kiss
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Written by: Roof Missing

Lips Soft As Rose's Fragrant Kiss

Lips soft as rose’s fragrant kiss,
Are mine when holding you like this,
An inner glow has softened woe,
We both ride floating dreams although
Dreams may not have sufficient give,
Or glow, the mass that’s been displaced.
But dreams sink roots where we both live
Like Jesus’ boots, loose strapped not laced.

Though dreams are braved by very few,
I’m sure that I belong to you,
My ears attuned to your step’s beat
With bowl and wash cloth for your feet.
A servant’s share my heartfelt goal,
As by your side I gladly wait,
Your tears, my pleasure to console,
My arm stretched out to open gate.

For beauty is a gift you see
Whose value lies in being free.
And neither life or death prevails
With God’s love there to balance scales,
There’s not that much for me to do,
My sweetest gift, supporting way,
With no need of controlling you,
And every dawn a brand new day.

Long Tooth
June 4, 2016