Liquor of Love
Gestures beckon gestures,
Speech caresses silence,
Laughter accompanies the seductive sways of smiles,
The beautiful bliss of our starry eyes gone astray;
Then caught and locked in a stir of longing for each other.
None, but a tale of fantasy,
Re-enacting the dé·jà vu of a dream.
A dream; an all-discerning vision
Relentlessly unfolding a heart-stricken revelation.
An exposition of the future’s past.
Relishing; this past, indeed. In a one we go a-dancing;
Yet still, in exchange of smothering kisses, beneath the cover of darkness
With flames of a soaring passion burning; our bonded souls to sooth
Urging the sweet cravings of yearning desires, us to consume
In our intoxicating state of peaked pleasure,
In our hypnotizing exile of uncontrollable ecstasy.
How soon this liquor of love runs out
Pour me another glass, please……
A toast, in honor of our non-existing love