Love Poem: Listen
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Written by: Marcedies Rhodes


Listen for I will only say this once,you don't seem to understand you've created a damaging wall.
Listen for I will only say this twice,your heart and mind are cold for you have numb you emotions.
Listen for I will only say this last time,you heart plays to a sad tune.
Where are you now? Because you mine is somewhere else.
Could you hold onto them ? For it's not to late,like it is for us.
Don't worry,leave those sorrows behind and release that part of yourself. Be kind,be gently,and speak gently.
Don't let your two piece tongue be your shield for that's your downfall.Do you know who I am? Of course not.You who have put up road blocks which is why I say this with swollen heart.Break that wall of fear.
Listen for I will only say this once,break that wall of fear.
Listen for I will only say this twice,there  more warmth in other then alone.
Listen for I tell you this the last time,make the sad tune into something vibrate.
I say this because I love you enough to say this,the past is past tomorrow tomorrow but we only can take what we get today.