Little Brunette
It was way back in November, in 1983
Playing pool with the boys, then my eyes did see
This petite little brunette beside the table she sat
I thought "If I don't marry her, I think I'll eat my hat"
The girl she was with I knew from before
We grew up together, for she had lived next door
But it was the little brunette that captured my heart
I just needed the courage for our lives to start
So into the evening as I continued to shoot some pool
Chatting between shots, she said my playing was cool
I felt a difference in me, to well into the night
This little brunette sure has caught my sight
We went our separate ways, but burning inside me was a task
For my heart kept telling me of something I should ask
So I approached this little brunette, and politely asked her out
Never in a million years did I think I was in with a shout
We made plans to meet on the Friday of the following week
This little brunette said yes to this pool playing geek
So I met her off the bus as we dined with an Indian meal
My belly now full of butterflies, is this how real love feels
We enjoy a wonderful evening, chatting and sharing drinks
I'm Wondering if we'll do it again, my minds in over think
Little brunette says, "I must catch the last bus home"
My bed beckons me also as I smile in lovestruck roam
We meet the very next day as we share a cuddle and a kiss
It's the start of our journey together in wedded loving bliss