Little Did the Lost Know
Would you blame them?
Would blame them for their ways?
The only way they ever knew.
The only way they thought it was right.
would you blame them?
Would you blame them?
Would you blame them for not knowing?
would you?
Would you blame them for the wrong they did,
thinking they were right?
would you blame them?
Would you blame them for seeing love wrongly?
for helping wrongly...
That's all they ever knew!
Would you blame them?
for showing you all they knew,
for all they believe,
for all that they were taught
was right...
They believed with all their hearts,
with all their might,
they believed...
... it was right...
was it?
Wasn't it?
why wouldn't you blame them?
little they knew,
little did you know.
little would any know.
I can't blame them,
I don't... how would you?
I can't blame them...
why blame me?
Why wouldn't I blame them or you?
No one's fault,
nobody knew enough
don't blame them or me
I love them
as well as, YOU!