Little Wonder-- I Am Black No One Loves Us-
your Little Wonder
I broke away from all;
all of your little trappings;
God saw to that;
Your eyes;
Eyes seem to have hate (just where is the love);
Yes rights of hate this truth;
Sitting here napping, romancing...
All the negative things;
Being stuck on the negative;
I am small in mind;
Little Wonder
Some may call me a black genesis;
A colored sump even a negro square;
I find discrimination unfair;
Whites and Blacks differences you see it can only be skin;
But we all have the same soul and spirits you see..
I broke away from all;
All of your little trappings;
God saw to that;
Your eyes;
Eyes seem to have hate;
Little Wonder
Yes rights of hate this truth;
Sitting here napping, romancing...
All the negative things;
Being stuck on the negative;
I am small in mind;
Not to easy to find me today taking all of that racial strife, it's very hard you Yes you, see to live in the sixties
And laugh
So much ridicule and racial spools ;
You see friends if there're any left;
Have refused God and Jesus;
Little Wonder
And I'm here today to bring in all of the thunder;
I yet love those haters of me cause of my color;
I'm your little wonder
And as you and I go under;
The germs of hatred;
As we live our lives bliss;
Just a black boy surmised a fitted boy surprised;
Oh ooh ooh wee guess I just still still your little wonder;
As I wonder, as I wonder through this hate filled world;
Your little wonder
I broke away from all
All of your little trappings
God saw to that
Your eyes
Yes rights of hate this truth
Sitting here napping, romancing...
All the negative things
Being stuck on the negative
I am small in mind
Co created black and I AM...
Little Wonder
Written words by James Edward Lee©1970, 2019
Written @ North High School 1970 for Class assignment