Little You and Little Me
There is a little you inside all of us.
I shall call her Little Me
She resides way down deep
Often Hidden
Sometimes hiding
Whether Little Me ventures out
Depends on her feelings
If she trusts you
You might see a glimmer
Or a glimpse
If she feels honors
If she feels respected
If she feels revered or loved
She might stop hiding
The hidden Little Me
Might dare to show herself
But tread lightly
Do not feel hurt or sad
If Little Me cannot venture out
She might need to stay
Safe, feeling comfortable
Only when hidden
A harsh word,
An ugly glance
Might hold Little Me hostage
Forever and ever.
Hyper-vigilant, cautiously aware
of your every nuance and manner,
Little Me might never
Be fully able
To show herself to you.
Do not take her hiding personally.
Do not feel hurt or sad if she never shows herself.
She may have been hurt badly by those who
were supposed to cherish and protect her.
Show people your true self, show them as much
Reverence and love as you can.
There is nothing as humbling
or as satisfying as
Spying a glimmer
or a glance of
a usually hidden Little Me
who trusts you enough to
show herself. Tread with love.