Love Poem: Live, Laugh, Love...As I See It
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Written by: Paula Swanson

Live, Laugh, Love...As I See It

L Lightening bolts of curiosity................Let them strike.
I  Ignite the imagination........................Follow its flame.
V  Vehemently pursue your dreams........Let them lead.
E  Enevitably follow your conscience.......Heed its call.

L  Levity is inherent..............................Let it free.
A  Allow your inner child to play.............Share your joy.
U  Unpredictability is encouraged...........Surprise yourself
G  Go ahead, splash in a puddle............Silly, is O.K.
H  Have a belly laugh daily.....................For what ails ya.

L  Logic does not rule the heart.............Hear it sing.
O  Over the top, head over heels...........Go for it.
V  Vast is our capability........................See the possibilities.
E  Even when mad, say these words......I love you.

For the contest:  Live, Laugh, Love
Hosted by:  Tirzah Conway
Placement: 2nd place