Live With Yourself
Just when I think I'm over it Just when I think I won I start to reminise about all the
harm you done
The bloody lip Bruised arms When you would drag me by my hair
All my clothes you would rip How it wasn't fair
The times you threatened to rape me How scared I was inside
The times you threatened to kill me and made me want to die
The times you threw me into a window and I would truly scream
The times you told me to shut up or you would keep inflecting pain on me
The times I didn't shut up and the abuse would get worse
All the times my life just seemed like a fatal curse
All the times I wanted to be happy but sadness saw me through
Sadness was what I got because I didn't get rid of you
Thinking you would change Wash away my rain
But instead stayed the same A boy filled with rage
A man never to be Not if life depended on it
A boy I'll never again see My heart I will not again pond it
Though I'm filled with pain deep inside my heart Though Part of me is still stuck
in the dark
Though I can't say how many more tears I will cry
Though I don't know when this pain will die
Though I have to live with everything that happened to me
You suffer the most Because You have to live with yourself inevitably
Never again will I make the same mistakes In the end I was the one to gain
Gained a lesson A lesson truly learned A fight so strong Now the tables have
truly turned
Copyright © 2007 kelly Streit