Living In the Last Days
Living In The Last Days…
I believe that according to what
God’s word says…
We are living in “the last days!”
People often call good… Evil
And evil… Good.
Too often God’s truth is misunderstood!
Many turn God’s truth into corruptible lies…
And do what’s pleasing to their own eyes!
Many just seem to fail to understand…
The darkness that covers much of our land!
Many desire affection from “others features.”
But have become sin-filled “fallen creatures!”
Our days are very short and we
don’t have many!
Will anyone live for Jesus?
Are there ANY?
The truth of God’s word must be our source!
It will help us to overcome sin’s “evil force!”
God’s power is awesome and is presence so real!
Behold the God of Abraham. Jacob and Israel!
He is our only hope and our true redemption!
Today can be the day of your salvation!
By Jim Pemberton