Love Poem: Liza Loo
Mark Riedel Avatar
Written by: Mark Riedel

Liza Loo

How many times can I say 
that I miss you?
How many nights will I think
"what would Liza do?"
how many ways do I think of Liza? -
as many and big as the sky is blue!!!
but I'm stuck in here in Eustis,
and you there, in N.Truroo......
why can't we all just live
in a great giant shoe...??? - 

where stuffed animals dance
and play the kazoo - 
where the bread tastes like chocolate, 
(topped with fluff too),

and the walls are of bedspreads
the 'babies' none too few,
and there's a battery - powered flash - 
light for going to the loo....

there are crayons, papers, scissors, and pens
construction paper, plenty of glue, +
"please bring me some tea Da -
Deee, ya know, the one you brew?!"...

So what have I said
and what can I prove?,
Only that you are always in my heart,
mind, and soul,

my little Lizaloo