Lone Wolf
In this life I'll give more than I'll ever receive
I wear it as a badge of honor, and bare it on my sleeve.
What is love if it don't hold the pain and passion from my youth
That we learn along the way as we find our destined truth.
I sit alone, my eyes wide shut as my thoughts run it's wildest
Is this my life, is this a curse? or am I vaguely well and rounded.
Am I forsaken or am I chosen these are the questions I ask myself
Cuz the future can be iffy and my present needs some help.
But still I stand for the souls who feel down trotted and wholly broken
I give my hand and my heart so that theirs will remain open
I need no gift no praise or platform because I love to see Ya'll win
Even though that they betray me, I soldier up until the end
I may be dumb I may be blind and yes I may be left behind
To them I bless on to the next no regrets and never hide.