Love Poem: Lonely
Kwach Abonyo Avatar
Written by: Kwach Abonyo


Tell me, now tell me
How the craggy mountains I'll ascend
Weren't you the vitality that made me be?
But 'am now lonely in dingy ditch, can't transcend

Gloom gain my fine world of love
When up the sky t'used to stand bright stars
But where in this darkness the bright star above?
Ain't 'parting' the worst sore of all scars?

Oceans are as silent as sleep
Moon as dim as the land of shadows
Nothing worthy: all my pursuits's part's sweep
I bite my solitude within these  closed windows

The morning rays no longer sweet snug
And the pleasant breeze! Which warmth t'shall cool?
Birds melodies these days din in my lug
No food; what else if not for sweet kiss to drool?

This is the desolate life the split left
Weary with the itch for heart's rest
Why can't lovers be, instead of this cleft?
I ask why break when it spawns us opprest?