Long After and Long Before
Long before we met
I loved you
though countenance as yet unclear;
long before I ever heard
your voice, sensed I a perfect fit
out-there, somewhere
for my very eclectic ear --
Destiny is the word she used,
the old woman, with cards and
tea-leaves – a White Witch her
advertised claim: in a tent, at
an outdoor carnival somehow
I can’t say, she even knew your name…
Long before the first kiss sealed
with embrace made promise
with vow made sacred
perhaps before the first spring came
tossed its dingy veil, made colorful
beguile...into us spoke scented petal-like
blossoming smile
long before the first step
and endless seeming mile --
season given time to entrance,
great power to smudge and erase
Perhaps long before
God had written His best romance --
imagined human hearts, couplets of
tender poetry, song and joyful dance --
perhaps far back, when God
first considered love, make sketch
and model design -- made man’s visage
and form resemble His own Divine…
gave creation license to copy,
to fondly reline or trace – for
sometimes careless figuring gave wash
of forever grace – a lonely God, releasing
His kingdom, wanting only to freely
share, breathing life into lungs of
clay beings, declaring each his
child – offspring, royal heir
Perhaps even then, that far back
in God’s perfectly caring heart,
you and I were resident tenants
there, as angels reside in heaven above
wherever we travel, goes with us
signed lease of eternal love --
though having transient souls predetermined
never long us to dwell apart – such depth of union
like God’s glittering universe ever expanding
as those endless fields of stars linked together
twinkly hand-in-hand, love -- time’s radiant, inextinguishable
source and core -- God will keep us sparkling brilliantly close
adhered to His Loving Heart
Now, long after and long before