Long Term Essence of a Healthy Life
Stop drinking alcohol,
this only reassures us,
like social media,
like your favourite TV shows,
and drugs,
that our personal problems are all okay,
when intoxication is an escape route,
from our abstract reality.
Smoke cannabis on special occasions,
with friends,
on holidays,
away from work,
and daily routines,
Marijuana is a medicinal herb,
like cough syrup,
don't abuse its benefits.
Exercise and go for a run,
Get lost in the gum tree bush,
find yourself amens fresh river streams,
and rich oxygen,
Perfect place to escape stress,
And release pain.
Wake up every day before sunrise,
Take all the opportunity,
to feel the sunlight,
above and beneath the eyes,
supplying us with all the vitamin D we need.
Stop watching Tv,
scrolling through social media,
Playing video games,
deflating our brains,
Manipulating our reality,
distorting the truths,
read books,
and you'll see.
I know these future goals are difficult to attain,
But to emerge out of our sea shells,
we must confront our inner pains,
Don't let temptation dwell,
Don't restrict to the social norms,
Live life the way you feel,
Understand your body,
push its limits and boundaries,
until you realise there's none.
Sacrifice your time to help the poor and unconditioned,
to stand up on their feet,
into a healthy lifestyle and routine.
Live life with complete honesty,
And I promise you,
Nature will roll in ecstasy at your feet,
You will laugh with all joy,
with the realisation that,
sacrifice and love were meant to be.