The caress of the wind, the midnight breeze
The smell of yeast when it slides thru your lips
And the strings dances when it hit the tips
your fingers, brings music to my ears!
The night is young, but the stars shone down
It smiles to the other, it showed no doubt
And the fields began to light up, the shadows echoed out
The music continues, it never frowned...
And the night went on, it wished to never end
It wished the sun would not rise,
It wished to continue to send
The warmth of the music...
The caress of the wind...
The stars had shown more light,
The night comfortably receives...
But the wind has blown to another field...
The stars, concealed, it stands firm
And the heart of the night seems to wander...
How it was blinded with all the blunder?
Seek thru your soul, I cannot see!
Seek thru your heart, I cannot feel!
The warmth, the caress, and all the light...
It’s lost, all lost... and darkness embarked!
Glittering stars, oh why have you gone?
Now the fields seem empty, and the clatter has begun
The noise, deafening.
It pierced thy heart
The heart, regretting.
Not unscathed...
Left scarred...
And yet, still, it was longing...