Look Deeply Into My Eyes
I sit here alone with my thoughts of you
Still yet everyday the same of not knowing what to do
I know letting you go probably should be done
But in my heart, being held in your arms is the place where I long to run
We allowed our love, back then, end before it really had begun
I don't know how you are taking it, but as for me I'm here with all this pain
I'm left trying not to let my tears fall like rain
While she has the best of you
Because the best of yourself, for everyone, is all you do
Yet does she honestly treasure it as much as I would
Does she truly love you as much as she should
Will she ever commit to you like I could
I believe my love will make you stop searching for the one it is you seek
I know my love for you is strong, as it's anything but week
I'm standing right here in on the side lines
Waiting and hoping for you to once again finally by all mine
She may have for now conquered you but what we have in our hearts and souls for the other
she will never be able to divide
She will soon see that she's just going to have to step aside
I'm the one who's not going to just go away
I'm the one who's forever right here going to stay
Us finding our way back to each other again shouldn't be that much of a surprise
I can love you like before but this time so much more while I think all she can do is hand you
empty promises and tries
You know down deep what I say is true so give in to your heart, hold me close, and once
again take the time to look deeply into my eyes