Look of Faith
Baby grey eyes, full of strength.
Did not simmer the whole 40 but born with the strength as if they had.
No memories of loved ones’ to help with the fight.
No memories of frolicking with siblings’ to help ease the long hours.
Constant ding of bells, digital screens monitor all they can sense except what’s buried inside.
Hands assisting in every aspect of life as they know it.
Just the long days and countless hours of the love of strangers to help.
Parents aid with gentle touches and snuggles try to help their life’s love learn faster than any babe should.
The angel hands poke and fuss day and night trying to help the baby grey blossom into Blues’ or greens or browns and full of the fascination
The true image of faith is an N.I.C.U or P.I.C.U baby fighting everyday for a world they know nothing about.
They do not know of the Sun, not of the Moon or the Ocean or the Sky.
Inside these wonderful babes is a lesson the world has not spoiled yet.
Inside these Children is the purest most unspoiled example of faith, more than most of us will ever remember having.
They do not know why they struggle, but somehow I can’t help but think they know, they understand.
The fight comes from inside today, tomorrow and all days after. The fight driven by a word they do not yet know.
The word is not so important and almost meaningless when you see it before your eyes.
What is it you see when you look into the Baby grey eyes of these lil troopers and troopettes
One word faith.