Looking At the Stars
As I look upon the night sky,
Taking account forevery star seen,
And matching each with a reason why you should not live.
A reason why someone could dislike you.
Everything was going along fine,
Until you ran out of stars.
Stil a million reasons,
Running about in your mind,
But no more stars in the night sky.
You start thinking of things you have done right.
Reasons why people like you.
You match each star
That had a negative reason behind it,
With a new positive one.
And still,
You run into the same problem.
You ran out of stars.
Remember, everyone who dislikes you,
Only makes you stronger.
Makes you believe that you have a reason.
A reason to live,
A reason to be you.
And even though there are people
Who dislike you,
Hey, they are still thinking about you.
Remember this and go on,
Go on and show them.
Show them that you are stronger than that