Love Poem: Looking for a home
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Written by: Jimmy Baer

Looking for a home

In the echoes of your absence,  
I wander as the homeless poet,  
With each line penned, a whisper of our past,  
Searching for a refuge, longing for a home at last.  

Our child now inherits the walls we once shared,  
While I drift in a realm of verses and air,  
Every step a journey, every word a plea,  
For a place of peace, a sanctuary just for me.  

Earning a coin, a struggle I face,  
Without you, my love, in this desolate space,  
Yearning for a haven, where memories entwine,  
With Dad by my side, away from life's grind.  

The road stretches far, the nights grow long,  
Yet in each instance, I find you, strong,  
No longer adrift, but anchored in my soul,  
A tale of love in each poem that I extol.  

Through the alleys of grief, the meadows of pain,  
I seek a dwelling, where peace may reign,  
In the silence of dawn, or the whispers of night,  
I pray for a haven, bathed in your light.  

So here I am, a wanderer, a bard,  
A heart full of stories, my journey starred,  
In every lyric, in every rhyme,  
I write of our love, through the sands of time.  

In the tapestry of loss, a thread of hope I weave,  
For a home to call ours, where we both can believe,  
Till then, I wander, in this world so vast,  
The homeless poet, still holding onto the past.