Looking For Love
I just want to love
I want to give my heart to
And trust that they will keep it
I want to take that risk
I want to feel the rush of
wanting to be with no one else
but that one person for the rest of my life
I imagine it being like jumping off a cliff
attached to nothing but a bungee cord
anchoring you to land
You know there's a danger
You know you might not come out of it
But the scars will be worth it
because for those two seconds
you are in the air
You feel a blissful freeing joy as
adrenaline pulses through your
blood stream awakening your
senses and opening yourself up
to an experience never felt before
I don't know if that's what love feels like
Because I have never loved nor
have I ever bungee jumped
But that's how I imagine it would feel like
I want to take that jump
But no ones there to take the
leap with me
I'm standing on
the edge
heart in my hands
But all alone