Looking For Love
I don't have time for wishing
On a star above
I'm a woman on a mission
I'm looking for love
Some look for love in their cupboard
Eating junk food night and day
Then you hear them complaining
About how much they weigh
Some look for love at the dog pound
When they adopt a new pet
I want someone to talk to
And dogs can't do that yet
Some look for love in gardening
And grow a prize winning Daisy
Gardening really isn't my thing
Guess I'm just too lazy
No, I want a REAL love
One made of flesh and bone
Who will stay with me forever
And help me make a home
I'll do everything to make him happy
Love him til his dying day
Which may come sooner than he thinks
If he ever started to stray
Call me at 1-000-love-bug