Looking For the Real Woman
I look into your eyes
Emerald green with flakes of gold
They are almost magical
Showing the life you have in your heart
Your lips smile ever so shyly
Red from the passion hidden within you
They tell me of the emotions you never want shown
Even without a sound coming from them
Your skin is like the whitest ivory
Carved by a master artist
There is not one imperfection to be found
Even your hair
Gold, shiny and flowing
Surrounds your face like a virginal veil
Enhancing your virtue and beauty
None of those things matter
Not a single one reveals the real you
So my darling, open your soul
And let me see the real person
The one behind the eyes, the lips, the skin and the hair
For that women is the real you
And she is the one I want to know
She is the one I want to love
If only you can open our soul
And let me see who you truly are
It is only then that I can truly love you