Looking Up
How long before the cobwebs grow
on hopes deferred once bright
to toil long in patience grow
only to concede - "hey, it's life"
Tops of mountains beckon come
majestic sights and purest air
yet to perplexities we seem to succumb
when the present finds us ill-prepared
And so we linger looking up
the beloved trek unmade
for incumbent priorities to lose would crush
as we look with longing and walk away
In the vicinity of a perfect dream
gleaning from smiles that slowly grow
No sail to hoist but the ore rejoiced
for the love with which it rowed
Who can say the choices we make
will in the end prove wise
or show beyond the shadows doubt
to be promises of truth or lies
And so we take a leap of faith
for dreams we live and those we wish
fear and love they coexist
when the choice is choosing a mate