Lord, Use Me
Lord, use me
to accomplish your purpose,
and make a sower out of me...
to multiply these scattered seeds;
miracles come in many forms:
in blessings of prosperity!
What I gave was all I had,
and what I will receive
will be more
than abundance!
Defying danger and changelling death,
I walked straight into the wilderness,
but nothing scared me in my pursue;
afraid of turning the pages of the Bible
and not feeling sympathy for myself,
I ventured all and got lost...
my innocence turned into lust,
which gave me pleasure without any rule!
Lord, use me
to drive many away from foolishness,
and as You forgave me of my impurities...
they will see Your mercy
as clear as morning;
and reject sin as a hateful thing!
Lord, use me
to declare the freedom that came with change,
and anyone can be part of it...regardless of age;
Lord, use me and let me love in humility!