Losing Her
Since this is goodbye and our love has to come to an end
The words that I am about to say are from the heart
I'm going to tell you how I really feel about you
The first time I met you it was a dream come true
I thought to myself wow this is a beautiful girl
Her eyes pretty dark brown and that smile
That smile touched my heart the first strike you struck
A fairy tale dream this is were we are happy
With one another loving every moment together
Always telling each other I love you
As you lay in my arms and we look in each others eyes
Future wife I don't wont to say goodbye because
I promised you I will always be by your side
Even though I know this is the end
An my soul will lose your spirit from within
Remembering myself that you will always be with me
I love you sweetheart this is true goodbye for right now
We might not be together in this lifetime
But I know you will be my future wife in the afterlife