Love Poem: Loss
Karen Koski Avatar
Written by: Karen Koski


There is a whisper of malcontent
that beckons in the air
With mystery, shivers and hopless woe
of broken hearts and tears.

Miniscule and empty
the glass part full does weep
while stains of crystal echo in whole
with the sadness of the World
we carry on our shoulders.

Soul twisted and delayed dreams
Shattered in a whisper's prayer
A truth so barren,
A heart so dull
Misconstrued and sorrid
Wept upon the petals of a rose.

Oft is the cry of solitude
of Pain that crumbles a life
of saying goodbye as dust turns to air
of standing o'er a grave
Of farwells that never end
and memories that linger true.
of saying three words
that die upon the breath of air..
As Winter's grasp takes hold
A single solider
who walks alone
who's war has just begun..