Lost in universal wonders...
pondering celestial bodies,
souls I have known...
Lost in firmament vastness...
pondering heavenly ideals,
blessings I have been given...
Lost in the pinion of liberosis...
pondering the concept of freedom,
opportunities I never took...
Lost in the throes of onism...
pondering my humanism,
choices I have made...
Lost in expressions of love...
pondering lissome words,
poems I have written and read...
Lost in continual noisiness...
pondering a sojourn of sorts
taking the time for repose...
Lost in voices of reason...
pondering wisdom and truth
praying to never besmirch them...
May 23, 2018
Eight-Word Challenge-6 by John Hamilton
Third Place Trophy Win
Best Free Verse Poem in May 2018 by Laura Loo
First Place
Best Free Verse April 1, 2018 to July 15, 2018 by John Hamilton
Second Place