Love Poem: Lost
Stacey Tibbetts Avatar
Written by: Stacey Tibbetts


Lost in this world
Don't know which way to go
Need to escape
Need to find my way out
How did I get into this mess
How can i get out
I hate the pain
I hate the strain
To be something I'm not
I hate not having what I need 
I hate it when I bleed 
I hate the fears
I hate the tears
I know I'm worth more
But sometimes I'm not sure
What can I do to help my self
Where can I go to hide
I feel like I've died a thousand times
and brought back to this dreadful world
Why the pain
Why the strain
Why be someone I'm not 
Why do I care
Why do I hurt
The pain hurts 
The tears flow
The fears still remain