Honey I do love you, but I miss you. I miss who you use to be.
I can’t take much more of this, bliss seems so far away but I need it today.
We lost ourselves along the way, we lost what we were to each other.
I don’t think I stutter, the feeling that you love me or care at all for me is lost
and I need that. I have grown and my needs with me. So we need to grow
together or we will need to part. I can’t keep starting over with you my feelings
become a blur.
I don’t want to stir up trouble but I don’t want to go on this way anymore
for I will go insane. My brain tells me one thing and my heart another.
Oh, brother I don’t know which to listen too. I need your help, work with me a
little I don’t ask a lot. Hold my hand when it’s a blue moon. Give me a passionate
kiss when the Mets miss the pitch. Cuddle me in your arms every time the stars
align. Tell me your mine for always when you have had a glass of wine.
Smile at me for no reason at all every time our son catches a ball.
Love, like anything else is what you make of it. I have tried to make the best
of it but I need you to give me half your best at least. Tame the beast inside and
become a little more sublime.