Love Poem: Lost You
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Written by: Anisha Dutta

Lost You


                     “When had you been close to my heart? 
                     I could not recollect! I could not recollect!”
                      But I lost you at one corner of my path,
                       since then peace left, dragging myself 
                        as lifeless log.

                     The lyric seemed to be romantic
                     I was amused and smiled on my own
                    ‘Is it possible to forget loved one 
                      If deep dense emotion be really shown?’

                    “When had you been close to my heart
                  I could not recollect! I could not recollect!” 
                   But I lost you at one turning point,
                   since then peace left leading lone life
                   amidst crowd.
                    I attained full blooming youth
                   Glittering surrounding revealed the truth
                      Colorful sparkling sky is up above
                      Earth is full of romance and love

                  “When had you been close to my heart? 
                 I could not recollect! I could not recollect!”
                  But I lost you owing to my negligence 
                  Since then peace left me, pulling my life
                   seeming meaningless.

                  Together some time we might have spent
                   That was not my priority 
                     Was it needed to glorify
                   Showing an ordinary common event?

                  “When had you been close to me
               I could not recollect! I could not recollect!” 
                 But I  couldn't select you as life partner,
                  since then peace left, pulling myself
                  in unhappy zone.
                  Time passed by, time passed by
                  Pride of youth was shattered
                   Ashes of old age spread 
                   Suddenly it flashed into my mind
                     ‘Once you gazed at me shyly 
                      With dark dreamy eyes
                 You blushed with a smile gentle and mild.’

                   “When you had been close to my heart
                      Yes, I can recollect! I can recollect
                          The precious pearly moment 
                            is shining in my mind set,
                          only glamour in my amour,
                         since I lost you and lost my love."