Lost and Forgotten
The darkness shatters deep within my soul
It’s like finding “the one” is this huge massive hole
Evil thoughts re-flood my burned out brains
Sickness withers in my ears of stormy trains
Lashing out now that he’s gone again
He’s lost in the system --- the law always wins
I’m not trying to wait for another ten months
I want to evacuate all of our rotten tree trunks
I want to wash my hands of all things great and small
So backed up, I’ve finally become the wall
I’m fed up of guys and all of their talk
Now I want to stop instead of choosing this walk
Time and time again this story’s been told
Of discombobulated men and all of their old
Same old story, different verse
Of everyday bullshit I get the pleasure of to rehearse
What would happen if I just up and disappeared?
I’ll tell you what would happen, another joke would reappear
It’s hard enough just to stay alive
It’s even harder with as many times as I’ve tried
How many more will play with my mind?
How many more “winners” will I come to find?
Why can’t I find the one who I’ll be forever lost in his eyes?
When will I find my love in enormous size?
Do I have to leave my comfort zone?
Or do I have to constantly be alone?
I’ve been searching for someone to join with my life
And bypass our differences and ongoing strife
I can’t get away no matter how fast and far I run
Because I can’t run away from God’s blistering sun
Please, God, grant me the courage to move on
Please tell me the reasons of why I’m always wrong