Lost At Sea
It seems so surreal
Just the other day plans were in place
Together our ship was sailing off
But just yesterday things changed
Trust so ever fragile
Ever hanging in the balance of faithfulness
Ever dependent on our actions
Like glass ever ready to crush
With one fall ever ready to break
Tricky to cushion the fall
Hard to prevent the breaking
Difficult to put back together once fallen
Scatters every where
The pieces to be picked;
Carefully; not to cut the fingers
A difficult task to piece together
I am lost at sea
Seeking direction to get back on our ship
To swim ashore and escape the wreck
My emotions are everywhere
The compass is broken
Are you strong enough for both of us?
Can you carry us through the wreck?
I am lost at sea
Our love can be found
But trust elude me
Are you strong enough to rebuild it?
Can you carry us through the current?