Lost In the Mist
I''m asking me... can we be the way we were?
When we didn't care and knew our love was for sure?
In the mist i search for my love more and more
Knowing that he lay in it''s shadowy core,
With the answer to my question for sure.
Searching, searching lost in the mist for ever more.
I set my heart of the goal and am enveloped in his mist,
It touches me so softly, caresses me like his kiss.
Cloaks me in warmth just like his hugs, which I will always miss.
Searching for my love to reach his bliss.
I''m asking you, my love, if you'll remember me?
When finally this mist lets go of me?
In the mist I search for you, trying so hard to see,
Knowing that until this mist is gone, you'll be invisible to me.
Suffering always without you to set me free.