Love Poem: Lost In Your Love
Gregory  Ramos  Avatar
Written by: Gregory Ramos

Lost In Your Love

lost in your love  
 eternity of bliss 
 taking the steps  
 that brings us closer 
 watching the day  
 being spilled away 
 all hands on deck 
 washed out on the  
 silent waves  
 rip tide promises 
 to say the least 
 reevaluate a love  
 thats lost 
 slide to the finish  
 if thats your call 
 but muted sounds  
 don't travel 
 well life is a game  
 we all try to play  
 some winners some  
 will losers 
 love is infectious 
 and will move some 
 mountains, if you 
 really believe 
 just try and you will  
 lost in your love