Lost Knowing
The world as seen from outer space,
a relatively tranquil place,
is not what it appears to be.
Though rocky earth and deep blue sea
dominate this living sphere,
that is not all that resides here.
There’s mammals, birds, reptiles and fish,
but to be one of them is not what I wish.
The thing that I wish is something far more,
than anything found in legend or lore.
The number of wishes I've made is tall
as the tree from which I once saw an apple fall.
Yet wishing I’ve found, it does not matter,
like as high as you climb on a treadmilling ladder.
How could this be the answer to what has become
of not all the thousands, but just of the one?
The one wish I want to truly come true,
the wish that I could be with you.
These thoughts they carve a hole in me,
and at first glance I did not see
the toll that it would take on me.
Thoughts of longing to be free
of emotions now consuming me.
I'll push these things to the back of my mind,
but to my soul, the emotions will bind.
As time goes on the days will pass,
and turn to fleeting moments, or memories everlast.
Now just as the apple that fell from the tree,
I wonder what is to become of me.
I take another breath, then let fall a tear,
For cold is the wind that will breeze me.
And sadness will sear.