Lost Love
I think of you day in and day out
You’re in the music I hear, the books I read
Oh love, you’ve imprinted your soul on mine
I’ve been a bad person, trying to swish life up
Trying to fall for another, try, try, try,
With all my might, I wished I could will it
But you’re there all along, refusing to leave my heart
You’re miles away, never thinking of me, forgetting me
I pine for you in vain,
I cut the string that tied us, hence it is only right I suffer
I regret it, the childish mistakes of a first love
If only I got to see you, to rectify, to love you truly
A chance, and I’d grab it with both hands
I know you probably think of me with distaste
A dreg in the now finished tea, a bad tea at that
I miss you terribly, I just want you with me
Perhaps, it is not forever, but if that moment ever arrives,
I know I’ll cherish that moment forever