Love Poem: Lost Love
Lu Loo Avatar
Written by: Lu Loo

Lost Love

What happened to the love we knew before?
            All was ethereal and crystalline-
 I used to be so humble and adored,
              our love was filled with hope and was serene.

                  I knew not you’d leave like ascetic breeze,
nor did you know my heart would drift like waves-
    We never expected passion to cease, 
now we seem to have dug two shallow graves. 

              I wonder can we ever find our way, 
to nonchalant lovemaking on the beach-
                Or maybe our affection can outweigh
the furtive reasons why we’re out of reach.

                       If only you’d come and surface my shore,
                       what happened to the love we knew before….

January 16th, 2018